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Phone-Charging Kiosks Solve Low-Battery Anxiety

Phone-Charging Kiosks Solve Low-Battery Anxiety

No more worries over low battery. Livewire Digital’s kiosk software and ChargeItSpot’s kiosk creates a solution for charging Android phones, iPhone, and Blackberry phones – at no cost to the user.

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_empty_space][vc_column_text]York, PA – November 5, 2013 – Livewire Digital, which has offices in York, PA, and Denver, CO, has partnered with Philadelphia-based ChargeItSpot® to create the leading-edge kiosk software for cell phone charging kiosks. ChargeItSpots allow users to charge their phones for free in locker-secured stations at various retail, hotel, conference, event and high-traffic locations.ChargeItSpot has partnered with Whole Foods, Urban Outfitters, Foot Locker and a variety of local and national brands to revolutionize the shopping experience. Via Livewire’s kiosk software, ChargeItSpot kiosks provide a free and secure option for customers/guests in need of more battery life when they’re on the go.

The average person checks his/her phone once every six minutes during waking hours, yet battery life has only increased by 1% over the past few years. The ChargeItSpot kiosk eliminates the stress of low-battery anxiety and allows for continued connectivity in today’s 24/7 environment. ChargeItSpot’s unique business model and life-saving amenity was an attractive draw to Livewire, a nationally recognized developer of kiosk software. David McCracken, CEO of Livewire: “We saw ChargeItSpot as a distinct opportunity to meld our kiosk software capabilities with our retail and event driven experiences. The ChargeItSpot kiosks’ ability to satisfy both users and retail partners while solving a basic modern day problem is market leading and we are delighted to see the application live in the field.”

As a company that focuses on creating a better end-user experience, Livewire Digital is excited to be a partner in this initiative that serves as a lifeline to consumers and a benefit to retailers, who report a 75% increase in at-the-register spend and a 50% uptick in customer dwell time. Via the ChargeItSpot mobile app (live in both the Android and iPhone markets), when a phone runs low on battery life, a user is notified of the nearest ChargeItSpot, along with corresponding unique deals or specials just for ChargeItSpot users. “ChargeItSpots not only increase retail traffic they also create a more vivid shopping experience”, says ChargeItSpot CEO and Founder Douglas Baldasare. Baldasare adds, “ChargeItSpot kiosks are truly creating a new nexus in retail.”[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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