About Livewire Kiosk
Livewire Kiosk is the recreation industry’s leading interactive kiosk provider with Web-based technology services developed for its nation-wide network. Livewire capabilities include: content aggregation, software solutions, and systems management. As an innovative media company with a strong network technology, Livewire is advancing rapidly along with Compaq Computers and strategic partners like Companion Systems.
Established relationships with resorts and manufacturers have contributed a great deal to the expansion and strength of Livewire’s interactive medium that is bringing customers to the threshold of the “digital age”. Selected information is now deliverable via the Livewire network to targeted active audiences, and accessed at the point-of-purchase by consumer conscious producers and promoters. Livewire captures the attention with a dynamic image and message, engages, entertains, and most importantly informs it users.
The key to the Livewire model is a pre-qualified audience with an active life-style that is ready to buy products related to their special interest. Livewire is the vehicle to link cyberspace to the real world.
About Livewire Kiosk
Companion Systems, Inc., based in Salt Lake City, is a leader in the design and production of brand-enhancing, interactive products. With nearly 20 years in the retail imaging business, Companion Systems has designed products for diverse businesses in the U.S. and around the world. From self-service kiosks, ATM enclosures, ATM surrounds, architectural fixtures, modular mini branches and signage, Companion Systems brings unprecedented quality to its interactive kiosks and automated teller machines. Contact Companion Systems at 801/936-8082 or via its Web site at www.companionsystems.com for more information.
Livewire Kiosk provides a direct communication pipeline to consumers at the retail point of purchase enabling industry participants to easily and precisely connect with a highly qualified audience. Livewire was founded in 1998 with principal offices in York, PA and Golden, CO.