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Meet the Client

SunPower Corporation (Nasdaq: SPWRA, SPWRB) designs, manufactures and delivers the highest efficiency, highest reliability solar panels and systems to its residential, business, government and utility customers across the globe.

The Challenge

SunPower had a three-part mission:

  • 1. Provide its customers with digital displays on a fully hosted, remotely accessible system
  • 2. Educate the public about solar-powered energy
  • 3. Find a reliable, full-service partner to provide a turnkey solution with as little project management as possible by SunPower personne

Promote Energy Savings

Benefits of Solar


The Solution

SunPower selected Livewire to be its exclusive provider of customers’ onsite digital and educational information displays. Livewire works directly with SunPower’s clients to ensure “real-time” power generation reporting on digital information displays.

Livewire’s solution includes the hardware and software to achieve the desired results. The last piece of this turnkey solution is to maintain an open dialogue to ensure that SunPower, its customers and Livewire stay informed.

Thanks to Livewire’s technology, data center infrastructure and web-based administration, SunPower can manage content and monitor the signage system 24/7. Livewire has completed successful installations for dozens of SunPower customers including Johnson & Johnson, Agilent, Grainger and the Social Security Administration.

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